Multi Lamb Rapid


Multi Lamb Rapid is a fast working, high energy nutritional complex for ewes carrying multiple lambs. A 45ml feed will help support a ewe’s energy and nutritional needs FAST – exhausted ewes can be fully recovered within a few hours.

  • When it is cold and wet and there is little energy and goodness in grass and forage, ewes will transfer their bodily reserves into their lambs
  • The result of this is the condition twin lamb disease
  • Ewes suffering from twin lamb disease, and the lambs they are carrying, are at high risk of death if they are not treated
  • Ewes can be rehabilitated successfully with fast acting, easy to administer Multi Lamb Rapid
Available in 225ml or 495ml
225ml, 495ml

By ordering this item you confirm that you are the owner or keeper of livestock. We can only supply this product to the United Kingdom.

As your order contains POM-VPS medicine you may receive a telephone call so that we can confirm the order. Please ensure we have your contact details, a mobile telephone number is always helpful. We reserve the right not to supply any medicine at our own discretion.